Monday, February 16, 2009

A Loreto Monday

Hello Folks! How's sunny South Florida?  Have I complained that it is freezing cold here?? Well it is! 

Today we finished up our visit in Loreto.  I was able to spend some good quality time in the Holy House.  

Here in this picture you can see the whole group taking time to say a rosary to Our Lady of Loreto.  

An intense moment during the rosary! 

Here you see a close up picture of Our Lay of Loreto. 


  1. Hi,father I'm so impressed about the pictures thanks for sharing with us, the Lay of Loreto is so beautiful and the blessing you did with the miracle it is so amazing. Dora

  2. Hi Father,
    Good afternoon. Beautiful places you are visiting. Amazing pictures. Next time I'm not only available to carry your luggage but the rest of the group luggage. Please keep us in your prayers.

  3. Father,
    We ask you to post as many pictures as you can. You have no idea how much we look forward to checking your site daily.
    Thank you for all your work.
    In Jesus and Mary, Sr. Ana Pia, sctjm

  4. Dear Father,
    I'm glad you posted such beautiful pictures, I can get a glimpse of how beautiful it must be there. I hope we can see more pictures as soon as possible.
    Best wishes
    Maria Cristina

  5. Hello my Dear Father:
    Es muy emocionante mirar sus fotos y saber que a pesar de la distancia, Usted esta tan cerca de todos nosotros a traves de la maravilla de la tecnologia, que siga disfrutando cada instante de este viaje y regrese pronto que ya lo estamos extraniando.
    Que mi Dios lo bendiga y lo protega siempre

  6. Dear Father:
    Is me, thank you for this beautiful idea you had of this blog. It is doing a lot of good to many people. We are praying for all of you. Take care of my mother and my sisters.
    Sr.Laura sctjm
